
  • Blaming the other parent for breaking up the family

  • Blaming the other parent for whatever problem or problems may beset the alienating parent


  • Using the children to spy on or gather dirt on the targeted parent

  • Questioning a child about the details of the other parent’s personal life

  • Eavesdropping on phone conversations between the child and the targeted parent

Interfering with Visitation

  • Giving a child a choice as to whether to visit the targeted parent (often in violation of a court order)

  • Being inflexible to reasonable changes in the visitation schedule

  • Scheduling activities that conflict with visitation

  • Creating temptations designed to make visitation less appealing

Miscellaneous Signs

  • Refusing access to a child’s medical or school records

  • Not allowing a child to transport his or her things between residences

  • Acting hurt or sad if a child enjoys his or her time with the other parent

Third Party Alienation